Protecting forests, reducing emissions, and enhancing livelihoods across 1/3 of the world’s tropical forests
Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force at Work
Celebrating International Day of Forests
Today is the United Nations' International Day of Forests. Today, we honor the efforts of forest guardians, the tropical forest jurisdictions of the Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF), and the world's incredible forests themselves. Members and partners...
Subnational Success: Lessons from Tropical Forest Jurisdictions
In a new report released last month, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)’s Climate Promise highlighted key successes in advancing successful actions to protect forests and communities in Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF) jurisdictions. The...
Preparations Advance on 15th Annual Meeting in Acre, Brazil
Acre makes progress in preparations to host the 15th Annual Meeting of the Governors' Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF) in May The GCFTF is excited for our upcoming 15th Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 19-23, 2025, in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. As the below...

Advancing solutions for people and the planet in 43 states and provinces across 11 countries

Empowering Governors and civil servants
to lead on the forest and climate agenda in national, regional, and international forums.

Connecting members and partners
to support implementation, learning, and exchange.

Unlocking funding and finance
opportunities to implement jurisdictional strategies and investment plans.

Tracking impact and performance
toward climate commitment implementation across our member states and provinces.
“The parts of the Amazon that are not protected by law are protected by the attitudes, passion and initiatives of the local communities… In spite of our seasonal extremes, growing levels of deforestation and increasing wildfires, there is a commitment to mobilize and show the world infinitely greater results.”
—Former Governor Waldez Goés of Amapá, Brazil