Arnulfo Gasca Trujillo was born on October 2, 1953 on the banks of the Orteguaza River in Puerto Milán Caquetá. He is the son of Ignacio Gasca and Berta Lilí Meneses, settlers who formed their lives as farmers. From a very young age he took over the reins and finances of his farm, which has made him an experienced businessman, cattle rancher and farmer and a reference in his field. Despite suffering violence at close quarters and being kidnapped by FARC guerrillas in 2003, he overcame that stage with his strategic capacity for entrepreneurship and business building, generating multiple jobs throughout Caquetá.
He has been a social leader for more than 30 years and for 16 years he has traveled every corner of the department, knowing first hand the needs of all the Caqueteños and Caqueteñas, which he expressed in his Development Plan “Social Pact for the Development of Our Region”, working for education and opportunities for all, where the good condition of the roads and the support to the peasant sector has been his fundamental axis. The promotion of tourism and low-emission rural development has generated economic progress in the sector, combined with the emphasis on its slogan “Caquetá Somos Todos” (Caquetá We Are All).