by gcftf | Nov 15, 2021 | Mexico
Robustecer los planes de acción para hacer frente a la crisis climática, a través de acuerdos que incluyan mayores reducciones de gases de efecto invernadero y estrategias efectivas para cumplir con esta meta, son algunos de los objetivos que están movilizando las...
by gcftf | Nov 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
(Glasgow, Scotland) The Governors’ Climate & Forest (GCF) Task Force held an Official Side Event at COP26 in Glasgow Scotland. The GCF Task Force discussed the Manaus Action Plan, a plan for subnational leadership to reduce tropical deforestation, create...
by gcftf | Nov 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Media Advisory Contact: GCF Task Force Official Side Event COP26 – Glasgow Tuesday, November 9th 16:45 – 18:00 Room: Strangford Lough (175 pax) Click here to watch it The Manaus Action Plan: A New Pathway for Forests, People, and Economies in a Post-Covid World The...
by gcftf | Nov 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
COP26 was an opportunity for a working meeting between the GCF Task Force and the California Air Resources Board. On November 9th, Chair Liane Randolph and Jamie Callahan from the California Air Resources Board met with Diogo Martins Rosa, from the Government of...
by gcftf | Oct 28, 2021 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, United States of America
We are pleased to invite you to the GCF Task Force Official Side Event – The Manaus Action Plan: A New Pathway for Forests, People, and Economies in a Post-Covid World @ COP26! The GCF Task Force will be discussing the Manaus Action Plan, a plan for subnational...