by gcftf | Jan 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
The state of Amazonas, Brazil is facing a second wave of Covid-19 infections which has had a dramatic impact on the state’s healthcare network. Hospitals are operating at maximum capacity and over 7,000 people have lost their lives. To tackle the health crisis and...
by gcftf | Jan 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
The governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino, was elected by acclamation president of the Legal Amazon Consortium, formed by the governors of the nine Amazon states. “We will continue to defend the agenda of respect for laws, sustainability, and development”, he...
by gcftf | Jan 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
The indigenous population of the Amazon region began to receive the first doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 on Tuesday, January 19th. All the Legal Amazon State received the first doses of the vaccine produced by the Butantan Institute in partnership with the...
by gcftf | Jan 1, 2021 | Mexico
by gcftf | Dec 19, 2020 | Mexico
Yesterday we joined our colleagues in mourning the loss of a former governor in our global network, Governor Aristóteles Sandoval of Jalisco, Mexico. Governor Sandoval leaves behind a legacy as a true champion in the global fight against climate change. While Governor...