by gcftf | Jul 30, 2020 | Mexico
Forest fires are a problem that the environment faces year after year. The fight against forest fire requires collective efforts and commitments towards preventing fires in forests and jungles. Multiple factors derived from anthropogenic activities cause fires, and...
by gcftf | Jul 29, 2020 | Peru
In 2020, the Piura Regional Government assumed the presidency of the National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR), elected by the Governors of the Peruvian jurisdictions. Under Supreme Decree No. 006-2020-MINAM on July 21, 2020, the High Level Commission on...
by gcftf | Jul 29, 2020 | Indonesia
On July 10th, GCF Task Force delegates from Indonesia held a webinar to share information on the design of the Benefit Sharing Plans (BSP). BSP’s are mechanisms to distribute revenue that is generated from reducing deforestation, such as the NOK 530 Million...
by gcftf | Jul 20, 2020 | Brazil
Eduardo Taveira, Secretary of the Environment from Amazonas and GCF Task Force delegate, was appointed by Brazil’s Minister of Environment, Ricardo Salles, to the Committee for the Protected Areas of the Amazon Program (ARPA). In this role, Taveira will represent the...
by gcftf | Jul 10, 2020 | Colombia
As the world confronts the second half of a tumultuous year spearheaded by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated impacts on forests, we look to Colombia for positive news after the Ministry of Environment presented the results of their 2019 deforestation monitoring...