Boletín Junio del Grupo de Trabajo GCF México [ES]

En este edición del boletín de los miembros estados mexicanos del junio 2020: Instrumentos de acción en pro de la resiliencia ante el cambio climático SEMAHN y SAGyP: trajabo en conjunto para la planeación y protección de los recursos naturales de Chiapas Mes del...
Statement Against Racism and Inequity

Statement Against Racism and Inequity

The Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force and the Laboratory for Energy and Environmental Policy innovation (LEEP) join with others across the United States and around the world to condemn racism and oppression in all forms. As a global network, we are...

Amapá Launches New State Environmental Service Portal

Last Friday, during the opening of the virtual event Junho Verde 2020, the Government of Amapá, through the Secretariat of the Environment, launched a new State Environmental Service Portal. The Portal is designed to provide agility and control to environmental...