by gcftf | Mar 15, 2022 | Brazil, Colombia, Côte D’Ivoire, Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, United States of America
On Tuesday afternoon, the 12th Annual Meeting of the Governors’ Climate Task Force (GCF Task Force) with the participation of Environment Secretary Eduardo Taveira, continued explaining that the basis for real change is knowledge in technology and innovation....
by gcftf | Mar 15, 2022 | Brazil, Colombia, Côte D’Ivoire, Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, Uncategorized, United States of America
12th Annual Meeting of GCF Task Force hosted by Governor of Amazonas in Manaus, Brazil, March 15-18, 2022 This week, on the banks of the largest river system in the world, Governors, environment secretaries and civil servants, Indigenous peoples and local community...
by gcftf | Oct 28, 2021 | Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, United States of America
We are pleased to invite you to the GCF Task Force Official Side Event – The Manaus Action Plan: A New Pathway for Forests, People, and Economies in a Post-Covid World @ COP26! The GCF Task Force will be discussing the Manaus Action Plan, a plan for subnational...
by gcftf | May 24, 2021 | Indonesia
We are very sorry to announce that on May 21st, Mr. Klemen Tinal, Vice Governor of Papua, Indonesia, passed away due to heart illness. He became a leader in Papua together with Governor Lukas Enembe and had been governing the state since 2013. He worked tirelessly to...
by gcftf | Apr 12, 2021 | Indonesia
KARST Sangkulirang Mangkalihat, East Kalimantan New data presented by the World Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watch (WRI) shows that “the planet lost an area of tree cover larger than the United Kingdom in 2020, including over 4.2 million hectares of...
by gcftf | Aug 21, 2020 | Indonesia
In recent years, Indonesia has taken enormous strides towards reducing deforestation—the country was recently rewarded with a nearly USD 60 million payment from the Government of Norway for reducing deforestation in 2017, and the World Resources Institute highlighted...