Five GCF Amazonian Provinces in Peru (Huánuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martin, and Ucayali), organized by GCF Peru Coordinator, Mechanisms for Alternative Development (MDA), came together in Guadalajara, Mexico to sign the Declaration of Guadalajara during the 2016 GCF Annual meeting. This declaration aligns with the Paris Agreement as well as with the GCF’s Rio Branco Declaration, committing Peruvian regions to international cooperation on climate mitigation and adaptation, emissions reductions, natural resource conservation, and sustainable development across the Peruvian Amazon. Following the Annual Meeting, the Interregional Amazon Council (CIAM) and MDA convened the GCF Peruvian Amazonian Governors at the Congress of the Republic to present the Declaration of Guadalajara to important partners and supporters of the GCF, including Per Pharo, Director of the Government of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative and the First Secretary of the Norwegian Embassy. The meeting took place with the presence of Congressman Cesar Villanueva, and the President of the National Assembly of Regional Governors of Peru.
Signing of the Declaration of Guadalajara at the 2016 GCF annual meeting.