GCF Task Force and TFA signed an agreement for coordinated actions to protect tropical forest landscapes

May 20, 2021

The agreement will guide collective efforts and support the development of a common work plan that aims to increase the visibility and effectiveness of jurisdictional approaches to reduce commodity-driven deforestation; improve collaboration between members of the two networks; support efforts to increase investments and foster jurisdictional supply agreements on a global and regional scale.

The partnership establishes the immediate start of joint actions, including:

– The coordination of annual work plans for each country involved, seeking to identify synergies between the action strategies of Tropical Forest Alliance and GCF Task Force in Brazil, Peru, and Indonesia;
– The identification of investment opportunities and the development of financing mechanisms for jurisdictional programs, seeking to attract alternatives for the contribution of resources and new partners;
– Sharing information to define a new framework for jurisdictional programs that include economic activities related, for example, to advance the bioeconomy and Payments for Environmental Services (PES).

Pilot Area – San Martin, Peru

“The government members of the GCF Task Force in Peru are committed to low-emission development strategies. This type of initiative, the MOU between GCF Task Force and TFA, will contribute to its implementation by generating pilot areas and knowledge exchange”.

Luis Hidalgo, Governor of Madre de Dios, President of Mancomunidad Regional Amazónicas.

The Alto Huallaga area, located in San Martín region, is one of the main hubs of cocoa and palm oil production in Peru. The landscape will now connect zero-deforestation production commitments with concrete, landscape-level actions that will provide an initial focus for the agreement between TFA and GCF Task Force. The two networks in Alto Huallaga will involve articulation with stakeholders to: establish a shared vision of their territory, develop long-term public-private governance, establish a performance-monitoring system, advance knowledge management, and mobilize resources for implementation instruments that generate substantial changes in land use, forest conservation, and restoration. With the USAID support, TFA has begun to identify potential public-private alliances to develop a zero-deforestation supply chain in cocoa as part of this jurisdictional approach.

It is necessary to have successful cases that demonstrate the possibility of moving from commitment to action,”  “The jurisdictional approach in Peru will be fundamental for us to go beyond the partial logic towards a concrete action that involves the landscape and the territory’s actors as a whole, and the partnership between TFA and GCF will be key to catalyze this process.

Fabiola Muñoz, Coordinator of the Coalition for Sustainable Production in Peru