Through support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force and the Under2 MOU Secretariat, The Climate Group, will advance progress towards making long-term, deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in key tropical forest states and provinces. The funding will provide GCF Task Force members with support they need to move towards their Under2 MoU commitments. Signatories to the Under2 MOU have committed to a goal of limiting greenhouse gas emissions to 2 tonnes per capita, or 80-95% below 1990 level by 2050.
Currently 24 GCF Task Force members are signatories to the Under2 MOU, including Caquetá (Colombia), Pastaza (Ecuador), and the Peruvian regions of Amazonas and Huánuco which recently signed the agreement alongside GCF Governor Jerry Brown at COP 23 in Bonn, Germany.
A specific focus of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund support will be to begin deep decarbonization planning processes in select states and provinces in Brazil, Peru and Indonesia. Deep decarbonization plans fill a gap in existing climate policy by developing strategies for long-term (2050 and beyond), transformational change across all economic sectors. Prominent voices, such as economist Jeffrey Sachs and Governor Jerry Brown, have suggested long-term, deep decarbonization planning as a necessary process to compliment near-term climate change strategies and investments. These long-term plans will be complimented in 2018 as GCF Task Force members begin developing jurisdictional investment plans and strategies to catalyze near-term action with support from the United Nations Development Programme and the Government of Norway.
The Under2 MOU Coalition has grown to 205 governments representing over 1.3 billion people and a collective GDP of US$28.8 trillion – almost 40% of the global economy. The Climate Group is an international non-profit organization working with leading businesses, states and regions to deliver a world of net zero greenhouse gas emissions and greater prosperity for all.
The GCF Task Force, together with The Climate Group, are committed to enabling subnational actors to reach their climate goals by enhancing collaborative networks in order to scale innovative policy, planning, and information gathering solutions.