The Brazil Regional proposal aims to support states in the Brazil Legal Amazon to access results-based financing opportunities using the ART/TREES standard, specifically in response to the recently launched $1bn public-private financing mechanism known as the Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest Finance (LEAF) Coalition.
The Brazilian Legal Amazon covers more than 500 million hectares in the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Roraima, Rondônia, Tocantins, Mato Grosso and Maranhão. The last three years have put increased pressure on the forests, with deforestation reaching 11,088 km² in 2020 according to preliminary data. The regional proposal will contribute to efforts to combat deforestation and fires, building on the REDD+ strategies and plans developed under Window A. Specifically, UNDP will support a coalition of partners, led by FAS, to support the states to meet the requirements for ART/TREES and LEAF, including technical assistance for the eight states that have already passed the initial technical appraisal for LEAF concepts submitted in early 2021. UNDP will provide technical assistance, alongside on-the-ground support from non-government organisations, to meet the requirements of ART/TREES and submit full proposals to the LEAF Coalition. FAS will also lead efforts to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to ensure their full and active participation in the initiative.
“The Window B is an essential tool for states to meet their goals to reduce emissions from illegal deforestation. We greatly appreciate the support that the Amazon states have received from Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative, through the GCF Task Force, which has made it possible to begin structuring our subnational REDD+ systems, implementing the annual work plans for the states’ climate agenda, and which will enable the execution of the regional Window B project.”
Eduardo Taveira, Secretary of Environment