The national government has recognised the importance of Yucatán in forest conservation and carbon stocks, though the drivers of agricultural production have continued to an annual loss of 22,647 hectares (representing 1,360,080 tons of CO2 equivalent), which is a significant ecological, economic and social loss. Window B focuses on one of the most important reserves, the Región Biocultural del Puuc, which forms part of a larger biocultural corridor extending into Central America. strengthening capacity of the governing body (JIBIOPUUC) and sustainable production alternatives through milpa Maya, beekeeping, small food production, and environmental services. These strategic areas were identified as part of the local environmental planning under Window A.
The approach recognizes the critical role played by indigenous communities and women, and the importance of providing sustainable alternative livelihoods, promoting traditional agricultural practices, ensuring payments for environmental services, and fostering forest and biodiversity conservation. These efforts will support the implementation of a state-wide low-emissions rural development strategy that also recognizes the many co-benefits of forest conservation and sustainable production, particularly for forest communities. Critically, this approach will build the capacity of local communities and governments to implement the strategy while also generating income by increasing market access for traditional goods, such as honey.
“This project will promote and support all the activities and strategies, related to sustainable and low emission rural development in Yucatán. And also, will helps us empower communities to value their natural resources and to generate sustainable productive projects that guarantee that these resources not only provide ecosystem services for the entire state, but for the entire planet, and also generate greater social and economic well-being for these communities, which are our allies”.
Sayda Rodríguez, Secretary of Urban Development & Environment of Yucatán
Message from Secretary Sayda Rodríguez