Madrid, Spain—COP25 is underway here in Madrid, and the GCF Task Force is gearing up for our Official Side Event on Monday, December 9th, from 15:00 – 16:30, co-hosted with Pronatura Sur.
This is What Implementation Looks Like: Implementing Subnational Forest & Climate Strategies will include a high-level panel featuring governors from across the GCF Task Force member states in Brazil, Indonesia, Peru, and Mexico.
Our side event will examine innovative subnational leadership by exploring how governors are implementing innovative forest and climate solutions in their states and provinces on their own, together, and with the support of key partners of the GCF Task Force like the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, the Tropical Forest Alliance, and the GCF Task Force Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Committee.
The importance of forests in the climate change battle is indisputable. As a global community, we have just over ten years to reverse global carbon emissions, which are still on the rise. Scientists warn that the Amazon Forest is dangerously close to its irreversible tipping point when it will be transformed into savannah. In Brazil, deforestation rose 30% in the past year due to land speculation and clearing, Peru’s forests are increasingly threatened by illegal gold mining, in Indonesia peatland fires have contributed significantly to the rise of carbon emissions, and in Mexico palm oil expansion threatens forests. Amidst this, subnational leadership is often on the frontlines of the global climate change battle. On a daily basis, governors of tropical forest states and provinces must make hard choices on how to best safeguard their forests while considering the needs of their people, many of whom feel the effects of poverty, fires, droughts, and climate- related natural disasters.
Hear directly from these governors on the frontlines of climate action considering the unique contexts experienced in each one of their states and provinces.
Plus, join us at additional events throughout the week hosted by the GCF Task Force, member states and provinces, and partner organizations. See a schedule of relevant events below (in both English and Spanish.)
Click here for our Schedule of Events in English.
Haga clic aquí para ver nuestro Horario de Eventos en español.