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Found 327 Results

Governors’ Climate & Forests Task Force Members in Action at COP24

States and provinces from the world’s largest network of tropical forest states and provinces, the Governors Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force traveled to Katowice, Poland, to take part in this year’s 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. At COP 24, GCF Task Force governors, delegates, […]

Governo Do Acre Ganha Prêmio ODS Brasil Com Programa Pioneiro De Redd+

Entre os mais de mil projetos inscritos, o Acre foi finalista com três iniciativas e ganhou o prêmio na categoria Governo. O Acre levou o primeiro lugar do prêmio ODS Brasil com o Programa Estadual de Redução de Emissões por Desmatamento e Degradação Florestal com Benefícios Socioambientais (Redd+). O Estado concorria à premiação na categoria Governo […]

Regional Planning Workshop Of The GCF Task Force In Mexico

Ver versión en español   Cancún, QR- From November 12th-15th, delegates and partners of the Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF)Task Force gathered in Cancun to advance initiatives to respect indigenous rights, establish alliances with rural producers and supply chain actors, and discuss other priorities for the region in 2019.  Organized by the GCF Task Force Mexico […]

Declaration of San Francisco

During the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Governors’ Climate and Forest Task Force in San Francisco (held alongside the Global Climate Action Summit), Amazonian Governors committed, through the “San Francisco Declaration”  to implement actions against climate change and deforestation in their jurisdictions.   See the San Francisco Declaration in English here and in Spanish here. […]

ICBE 2018

As the largest island in Indonesia, Papua is divided into two Provincial Governments administratively, namely Papua Province, with an area of 319,036 square kilometers and West Papua Province, with an area of 140,376 square kilometers. This land, which is the second largest island in the world, is endowed with a wealth of natural and incredible ecosystem […]

GCF Task Force Performs First Workshop for Low-Emissions Rural Development In Jalisco

Guadalajara, Jal., October 10, 2018 See original article in Spanish   The Trust Fund for the Administration of the Forest Development Program (FIPRODEFO) from the state of Jalisco, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development (SEMADET), the Earth Innovation Institute, the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF), and Pronatura Sur, A. C., […]

The New Yorker: How Carbon Trading Became a Way of Life for California’s Yurok Tribe

See article on The New Yorker here.

Key Outcomes Of The 2018 GCF Task Force Annual Meeting

We are pleased to announce the following key outcomes from the 2018 GCF Task Force Annual Meeting: Leading into the 2018 Annual Meeting, California released a draft California Tropical Forest Standard which is now open for public comment through Fall 2018. The 38 GCF Task Force members welcomed four new observers to the fold: Tarija, Bolivia; Michoacán, […]

UNDP Announces First Group Of Projects To Support Jurisdictional REDD+ Strategies & Investment Plans

SAN FRANCISCO. The Climate and Forests Team of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced the first round of projects under the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF) to support jurisdictional REDD+ strategies and investment plans during the GCF Annual Meeting on 11 September in San Francisco. The range of projects approved reflects the […]

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