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Found 327 Results

GCF Task Force Delegation holds key meetings in Washington, DC and Miami

From May 8-10, a group of more than 20 high level officials from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru – Governors, Secretaries of Environment, and other Delegates – along with GCF Task Force Secretariat leaders, represented the Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force global network in meetings with U.S. governmental and bilateral donor institutions in […]

GCF Task Force Participates in California-Mexico 2030 Climate Summit

At our February 2022 Annual Meeting, the GCF Task Force signed a Memorandum of Partnership with the University of California’s AlianzaMX to help train the next generation of leaders in Mexico and California on sustainability, climate change, and natural resources management. Alianza MX is a systemwide initiative of the University of California (UC) that seeks […]

Brazilian State Environment Secretaries visit Acre. Photo by Alexandre Cruz Noronha

Brazil GCF Task Force State Environment Secretaries Convene in Rio Branco, Acre

The Environment Secretaries of the 9 Brazilian States who are members of the GCF Task Force convened for a Forum of Environmental Secretaries of the Legal Amazon and the Brazilian Steering Committee of the GCF Task Force in Acre, Brazil last week. This forum provides an important space for the Secretaries to discuss common challenges […]

An ancestral plan to protect the Amazon in Pastaza, Ecuador

A new video was released last week on the innovative efforts within Pastaza, Ecuador to protect and conserve five million hectares of Ecuadorian rainforest through the implementation of a sustainable development plan in collaboration with the indigenous peoples who live there. This strategy promotes an ancestral system of agroforestry cultivation, the chakra. In 2023, the […]

Pando, Bolivia meets with Inter-American Development Bank

On Monday, March 20, 2023, Governor Dr. Papito Richter of Pando, Bolivia, and his team met with representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Pando. This important encounter highlights the importance of GCF Task Force member governments engaging directly with partners such as IDB. Governor Richter presented the plan and vision of the departmental […]

Happy International Women’s Day

On this International Women’s Day, we celebrate the powerful network of women in the GCF Task Force for the strength, vision, and tenacity they show each and every day in their efforts to combat tropical deforestation and benefit communities around the world! Together, we are stronger! Top Photo: Women leaders of the GCF Task Force […]

Thanks to our Annual Meeting Sponsors!

The GCF Task Force, together with the Government of Yucatan, could not have organized our 13th Annual Meeting without the support of our incredible sponsors. You helped ensure not only the success of this meeting – but also the strengthening of this important network of Governors, civil servants and Environment Secretaries, Indigenous and local community […]

Highlights from Yucatan: Thought Leaders & Field Visits

In addition to the partnership announcements, MOU endorsements by Governors and delegates, and incredible level of dialogue and discussions throughout the 13th Annual Meeting of the GCF Task Force in Merida, Yucatan last week, participants were able to engage with and learn from an incredible program of moderators, panelists, and audience members. We also recognized […]

More on 3 New Bolivian Members of GCF Task Force

As previously reported, three departments from Bolivia – Pando, Santa Cruz, and Tarija – were voted in as full members of the Task Force at our 13th Annual Meeting in Merida, Yucatan last week! Fundacion Natura Bolivia has been supporting each of these departments and posted the following press release on this important addition to […]

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