The United Nations’ World Environment Day is coming up on June 5th. GCF Task Force member states are organizing various events to raise worldwide awareness and advance action to protect the environment.
Check out upcoming events organized by Brazilian GCF Task Force members:

Green Week by the Secretariat of Environment (Amazonas, Brazil)
June 1st–June 5th
Why are we in an environmental emergency?
June 1st 16:00 GMT-4 (Manaus)
Livestream available on Instagram,

The environment and the challenges of the pandemic
June 2nd 16:00 GMT-4 (Manaus)
Livestream available on Instagram,

Primary sector and the environment: Opportunities or Obstacles?
Livestream available on Facebook: @sema.amazonas

The Amazon States against illegal deforestation and other environmental crimes
Actions in the context of COVID-19
June 4th 16:00 GMT-4 (Manaus)
Online debate with the Brazilian Secretaries of Environment of the Legal Amazon States
Livestream available on the Youtube channel of the Secretary of Environment of Mato Grosso

How the forest economy can save the Amazon
June 4th 15:00 GMT-4 (Manaus)
Livestream available on Facebook: @sema.amazonas

Challenges for Post-Pandemic Sustainability
Reflections for the SDG Global Agenda
June 5th 9:00 GMT-4 (Manaus)
Organized by the Court of Accounts, Amazonas, Brazil
Translation in English and Spanish on Youtube:

To be Modern is to be Sustainable: Best practices for the use of environmental resources in sustainable development
June 5th–June 30th
View the whole program here: