Ucayali, Peru 

Annual Meeting


Monday, October 7th

Technical Meeting – Global Committee of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
(Closed Session; By Invite Only)

Tuesday, October 8th

Venue: Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Auditorium

08:00 – 18:00          Summit: Recognition of the Contribution of Indigenous Peoples to the New Forest Economy
Artisan Exhibits at the entrance of the Auditorium

The Government of Ucayali, together with the Grupo Peru of Indigenous Organizations (AIDESEP, ANECAP, CONAP), will host a day of ceremonies, panels, and recognitions of the essential contributions of Indigenous Peoples to protecting tropical forests and building the New Forest Economy.

Agendas available in:

14:30 – 18:00          Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF) Executive Committee Meeting (Closed Session)

Wednesday, October 9th

Action on the ground to demonstrate what the New Forest Economy can look like is a key priority of this year’s Annual Meeting. Participants will join in one of the below field visits, where they will have the opportunity not only to explore key projects in the Ucayali region that align with the goals of the New Forest Economy, but also the responsibility of exchanging their own experiences through technical dialogue throughout the visit. The field visits offer a hands-on experience of the innovative work being done in the region to promote sustainable development, community-driven initiatives, and conservation practices.

06:00/07:00 – 15:00/17:00          Field Visits (**times vary**)

  1. Entrepreneurship Route: Indigenous Youth and Local Communities
    This route highlights indigenous youth entrepreneurship and community-led projects. Participants will visit agro-tourism sites, an ecological hotel, aquaculture facilities, and a camu camu processing plant. Learn how local communities are using traditional knowledge to create sustainable business models and preserve their culture and forests. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  2. Transformation Route: Sustainable Palm
    Explore how the palm industry is being transformed into a sustainable model through the work of COCEPU, a local palm growers’ cooperative. This route showcases circular economy practices, including biodigesters, compost plants, and agroforestry systems that are breaking away from traditional monocultures and addressing deforestation challenges. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  3. Cooperation Route: Cocoa and Forests
    Visit agroforestry systems that integrate cocoa production with forest conservation. Participants will learn about the role of cooperatives in sustainable cocoa farming and see first-hand how local farmers, especially women, are transforming previously deforested areas into productive, sustainable lands. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  4. Route of the New Forest Economy: Fruits of Biodiversity
    This visit will highlight the management of native species like Aguaje and Ungurahui by local communities. Participants will see how sustainable harvesting techniques are helping conserve biodiversity while also generating economic value through high-added-value products derived from Amazonian fruits. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  5. Value-Added Generation Route: Wood
    Indigenous communities in Ucayali are pioneers in certified timber production. This route will showcase the entire timber value chain, from forest management to finished wood products, demonstrating how certified wood can meet market demands while promoting sustainability and community prosperity. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  6. Restoration Route: Landscape Recovery and Ecosystem Services
    Witness the restoration of degraded landscapes into thriving ecosystems. Participants will visit a 500-hectare area that has been transformed through reforestation, enhancing ecosystem services like water regulation and biodiversity recovery. The visit also includes insights into sustainable aquaculture and livestock practices. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.
  7. Certification Route: Certified Palm (RSPO)
    Focused on RSPO-certified sustainable palm production, this route will demonstrate best practices in palm cultivation and the value of certification in meeting environmental and social safeguards. Participants will visit production facilities and learn about efforts to minimize deforestation and promote agroforestry systems. View here for information on participants’ backgrounds.

19:00                         Reception – Sponsored by Fundación Natura Bolivia (Invitation Only)

Thursday, October 10th

Venue: Hotel Qallwa

09:00 – 16:00          Business Meeting/General Assembly (Closed Session; Invitation Only)

09:00 – 17:00          Public Space
                                     Bilateral Meetings & Partner Tables

16:30 – 18:00          GCFTF & Amazonia+ Meeting (Invitation Only)

20:00                         Dinner – Casa Rua

Friday, October 11th

Venue: Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Auditorium
Artisan Exhibits at the entrance of the Auditorium

08:30 – 09:00          Opening Remarks

Luis Briceño. Executive Director. Amazon Regional Commonwealth

    • Governor Manual Gambini Rupay. Ucayali, Peru
    • William Boyd. Project Lead. Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force
    • Governor Mario Aguilera Cibrián. Santa Cruz, Bolivia (video remarks)
    • Diana Mori Gonzalez. Regional President of the Network of Women Entrepreneurs and Businesswomen of Ucayali, Indigenous Leader of Shipibo-Conibi People

      In Memoriam

09:00 – 11:00          Dialogues with Governors and Indigenous Leaders on Building the New Forest Economy

High-level discussions with governors and Indigenous leaders on their visions for bold subnational actions to build or boost the New Forest Economy in their territories. Topics will follow the four pillars of the Manaus Action Plan, including a focus on existing funding opportunities, challenges, and mechanisms.

Moderators: (09:00-09:55)
Fabiola Munõz Dodero. GCFTF Country Director for Peru
Colleen Scanlan Lyons. GCFTF Project Director

Panel 1: People and Communities

Panel 2: Government and Public Policy

  • BATHAIX YAO Mamert Fulgence. Vice President of the Regional Council of Belier, Cote d’Ivoire
  • Governor Juan Luis Chombo Heredia. Pasco, Perú
  • Governor Luis Francisco Ruíz Aguilar. Caquetá, Colombia
  • Francisca Arara. Secretary for Indigenous Peoples – Acre, Brazil & IPLC Global Committee Leader

(09:55-10:05: Group Picture)

Moderators: (10:05-11:00)
Jason Gray. GCFTF Project Director
Maria Teresa Vargas. Executive Director. Fundación Natura Bolivia

Panel 3: Finance, Investment, & Private Sector

Panel 4: Knowledge, Technology, & Innovation

11:00 – 11:30          Coffee Break / Networking

11:30 – 13:30          High-Level Announcements

Silvia Llamas Prado. Coordinator of Operations at Pronatura Sur A.C., and GCFTF Country Director for Mexico
Syahrina Anggraini. GCFTF Country Director for Indonesia

Join us for exciting announcements to help move the GCFTF forward on all of our important work, including:

  • Launch of GCFTF Blueprint for the New Forest Economy
  • Announcements on Forest governance partnerships and Jurisdictional REDD+ in Peru, featuring Ministry of the Environment, Regional Governors, SERFOR, OSIFOR, Grupo Peru, Private Sector, and Civil Society
  • Conservation Partnership in Ecuador, featuring representatives of the Governments of Pastaza, Zamora-Chinchipe, Morona Santiago, Indigenous Leaders and Naturaleza y Cultura Internacional
  • Bioeconomy Updates from Brazil, featuring representatives of the Governments of Amapa and Amazonas
  • Updates from our Bolivian Members, featuring representatives of the Governments of Pando, Santa Cruz, Tarija, and Fundación Natura Bolivia
  • Hand off from Ucayali to Acre, Brazil (host of 2025 Annual Meeting)
  • And more…

13:30 – 15:30          Lunch

15:45 – 16:15         Panel 1: Peruvian Conservation Case Study – Protected Natural Area of Velo de la Novia

Fabiola Munõz Dodero. GCFTF Country Director for Peru
Luis Briceño. Executive Director. Amazon Regional Commonwealth 

  • Representative of SERFOR
  • Representative of SERNANP
  • Representative of MINAM
  • Representative of Regional Government of Ucayali
  • Andes Amazon Fund
  • Nature and Culture International

16:20 – 16:40          Panel 2: Forest Foresight – Combating Illegal Deforestation through Artificial Intelligence                                                          Solutions

This panel will highlight opportunities provided by artificial intelligence to combat illegal deforestation, based on the Forest Foresight tool developed by WWF. (More details to follow.)

16:45 – 18:00          Panel 3: Funding and Financing the New Forest Economy – Blueprints, Pathways, Possibilities

Perspectives from donor governments, fund partners, investors, GCFTF jurisdictions, and Indigenous leaders on how to strengthen partnerships between donors, funders, subnational governments, and communities. The panel will provide perspectives on advancing together to create a New Forest Economy.

Jason Gray. GCFTF Project Director
Dr. Herlina Hartanto. Executive Director. Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara

  • Øyvind Dahl. Head of Forest Section. Norad
  • Josefina Braña Varela. Vice President and Deputy Lead, Forests, WWF US
  • Danilo Zelinski. Head IR and Forest and Climate Tech investments – KPTL
  • Mr. Ujang Rachmad. Deputy Assistant for Economy and Administrative Development. East Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Luis Augusto Briceño Jara. Director. Amazonia Region Commonwealth
  • Javier Kinney. Consultant. International Forests & Water, Finance, and Indigenous Rights. Global IPLC Committee

18:00 – 18:45          Closing Ceremonies and Award

20:30                         Closing Dinner – Casa Rua