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Found 327 Results

GCF states working to address two of Amazon’s most significant challenges

On August 24, 2021, Brazil’s Minister of the Environment, Joaquim Pereira Leite, and his team from the Secretariat for the Amazon and Environmental Services met with the Secretaries of the Environment of the nine states of the GCF Task Force. They discussed two of Brazil’s most pressing environmental concerns: illegal deforestation and fire in the […]

Planning the 12th GCF Task Force Annual Meeting

The Executive Secretary of the GCF Task Force, Carlos Aragon, met yesterday in Brasilia with the Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, and the Secretary of the Environment, Eduardo Taveira. The group met to discuss the next GCF Task Force Annual Meeting, which will be held in Manaus in February 2022. This will be the 12th […]

State Government and Indigenous Peoples in favor of sustainable rural development

Strengthening local capacities in sustainable rural productive projects has been a recurring goal in the proposals of the Secretariat of Environment and Territorial Development (SEMADET) of the Government of the State of Jalisco. The agency says these efforts have been strengthened thanks to the collaborative work with the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development of […]

Rest In Peace, dear Victor.

The GCF Task Force is deeply saddened to announce that our dear friend, colleague, and hermano, Victor Galarreta, passed away on August 28th, 2021. Victor served as the GCF Task Force Country Coordinator for Peru since 2014 and worked tirelessly to protect the forests of Peru and the people who depend upon them. We will miss […]

Quintana Roo refuerza acciones en favor de la biodiversidad y medio ambiente

Crédito: Cortesía de SEMA QUINTANA ROO Los logros y avances en materia de protección y conservación de los recursos naturales llevados a cabo en el estado de Quintana Roo, una de las siete jurisdicciones que conforman el GCF Task Force México, están siendo contundentes. Así lo han demostrado la Secretaría de Ecología y Medio Ambiente […]

Meeting with the Brazilian Ministry of Environment

The GCF Task Force Brazil took part in a meeting promoted by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment with the objective of aligning and coordinating actions around the National REDD+ Strategy, which was created to measure, report and recognize native forest conservation and recovery efforts to enable the receiving of international resources. Participants in the meeting […]

Campaña de Reforestación Juventudes 2030 en Chiapas

La Reserva del Parque Nacional Cañón del Sumidero en el estado de Chiapas, fue el escenario donde arrancó la segunda etapa de la Campaña de Reforestación Juventudes 2030: Sembrando Conciencia. El propósito de dicha campaña es el de contribuir a la restauración de los ecosistemas, a través del incremento de la cobertura forestal y la […]

Manaus Action Plan Meetings

Plan promotes low emissions development, reduction of tropical deforestation, create forest-based economies, and protect rights of Indigenous Peoples On June 28, the GCF Task Force kicked off a series of regional meetings to develop the Manaus Action Plan, which is part of a global effort at the level of subnational government to promote low emissions […]

Nota Informativa – GCF Task Force Brasil

NOTA INFORMATIVA Os membros do Fórum de Secretários de Meio Ambiente da Amazônia Legal gostariam de compartilhar com os seus parceiros, a sua expectativa positiva pela nomeação do Sr. Joaquim Pereira Leite como Ministro de Estado do Meio Ambiente. Ao longo dos últimos dois anos, encontramos no Sr. Leite um interlocutor chave com quem foi […]

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