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Updates from GCFTF Mexico

Actualización de la NDC en México

Compromisos Asumidos en México Frente a la Actualización de la NDC El impacto del cambio climático nos plantea retos que implican mirar de manera crítica y con una nueva conciencia el bienestar de las personas en interrelación con el del planeta. Reducir la vulnerabilidad, los daños y pérdidas medioambientales son solo algunos aspectos que hoy […]

Green Business Development in Papua

Public Consultation Meeting and Training In an effort to reduce deforestation in Indonesia, GCF Task Force Indonesia collaborates with local government, communities, and NGOs to develop green business models for the Forest Management Unit (FMU) in Papua, Indonesia. On June 2nd, a Public Consultation meeting was conducted in Jayapura, the capital city of Papua, with […]

Celebrating World Environment Day

Manaus Action Plan  Forest, Society, and Economy: New Development Model for the Future of the Planet Since 1974, World Environment Day has been celebrated every year on June 5th across the globe. Today the GCF Task Force joins this worldwide celebration by kicking off a collective drafting of the Manaus Action Plan (MAP). In the next […]

GCF Task Force Mexico y Reino Unido uniendo esfuerzos por la acción climática

Los bosques y selvas, en tanto agentes cruciales para sostener el bienestar del planeta y de los seres vivos, son una prioridad en la búsqueda de soluciones contra los retos que ya se viven y que se avecinan frente al cambio climático y sus efectos. En este sentido, son muchos los esfuerzos globales por protegerlos, […]

Oportunidade Profissional – GCF Task Force Brasil

  O Projeto Amazônia 4.0 é uma iniciativa coordenada pelos pesquisadores Carlos Nobre e Ismael Nobre, com o objetivo de promover a conservação Amazônica por meio de tecnologias 4.0, e a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Atualmente uma das vias pelas quais o Projeto está fazendo isso são os Laboratórios Criativos da Amazônia (LCAs), que tem […]

Junho Verde no Brasil

Confira a programação dos eventos do mês do meio ambiente promovidos pelo membros do GCF Task Force Brasil: Clique aqui para acessar a programação completa 

Senator enables R$ 1.7 million for bioeconomy project for indigenous women in Acre

Senator Mailza Gomes (Progressistas-AC), a supporter of women’s policies, has allocated an amendment of R$1.7 million (one million and seven hundred thousand reais) to strengthen the entrepreneurship and autonomy of indigenous women in Acre. On May 25th, the parliamentarian met with First Lady Ana Paula Cameli and the State Secretary of Social Assistance, Human Rights […]

Ecuador moves forward with the registration and approval of the Implementation Plan for REDD+ Measures and Actions in Pastaza

On May 22nd the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Pastaza officially received the Letter of Approval for the REDD+ Measures and Actions Implementation Plan of the Province. The letter was issued by the Undersecretary of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Water of Ecuador as the National REDD+ Authority, and will contribute towards national […]

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