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GCF Task Force Hosts Regional Meeting Highlighting Strategies and Opportunities for Forest Conservation and Energizing the Bioeconomy
The Governors’ Climate and Forest (GCF) Task Force hosted a Regional Meeting in Belém, Brazil with international governors and representatives hailing from Brazil, Perú, México, and California. The regional meeting took place in Belém to capitalize on the information exchanges extracted from the World BioEconomy Forum, where guests convened to promote bio-based solutions for a […]
October 22, 2021
GCF Task Force Meeting: Belém, Brazil
Media Advisory GCF Task Force Meeting: Belém, Brazil October 20-21, 2021 Governors and representatives from Brazil, Perú, México, California to discuss collaboration on tropical forest conservation WHAT: GCF Task Force Meeting WHO: Governor’s Climate and Forest Task Force Governors and representatives from Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Norway, and California International organizations and bodies (See full list […]
October 20, 2021
Breakfasts with Governors from the Brazilian Amazon and critical US policymakers
Yesterday we kicked off the first in a series of “Breakfasts with Governors from the Brazilian Amazon and critical US policymakers” hosted by the Wilson Center and the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force. Amazonas state Governor Wilson Lima and Secretary of the Environment Eduardo Taveira spoke of how poverty reduction must be central to […]
October 15, 2021
Fabiola Muñoz, nueva Coordinadora del GCF-Task Force en el Perú
Desde el 01 de octubre Fabiola Muñoz Dodero ex Ministra de los despachos de Agricultura y Ambiente de Perú es la nueva coordinadora país del GCF Task Force en Perú. En su primera jornada, el mismo 01 de octubre del 2021, se llevó a cabo la asamblea extraordinaria de los Delegados del GCF Task Force […]
October 12, 2021
Comitê Regional para Parcerias com Povos Indígenas e Comunidades Tradicionais do GCF discute participação nas políticas nacionais para a Amazônia
Nos dias 23 e 24 de setembro, o Comitê Regional para Parcerias com Povos Indígenas e Comunidades Tradicionais da Força Tarefa do GCF se reuniu em Brasília com o objetivo discutir a participação do Comitê Regional em instâncias vinculadas às políticas nacionais de conservação da Amazônia. Este foi o primeiro encontro em modelo híbrido, presencial […]
September 28, 2021
Emissions Neutrality and Deforestation: Results and Challenges of States and Companies in the Brazilian Amazon – Summary
The Governor’s Climate and Forests Task Force hosted a live international event this Wednesday for New York Climate Week 2021 to showcase work done in Brazil to reduce emissions and preserve the rainforest. Several sectors working to achieve GHG emissions neutrality by 2050 shared their commitments, strategies, and challenges during the session. The main message […]
September 23, 2021
GLF Amazonia Digital Conference: The Tipping Point
Join us tomorrow, September 23, at 13:00 UTC-4 for a panel discussion on “How to build an endogenous development model.” This session is part of the GLF Amazonia Digital Conference, The Tipping Point. Despite its indisputable status as a global asset in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, the Amazon region remains one […]
September 22, 2021
Emissions Neutrality and Deforestation – Results and Challenges of States and Companies in the Brazilian Amazon
It’s Climate Week NYC 2021! This Wednesday, September 22nd at 10:00 am EST / 11:00 am in Brasília, join us LIVE on YouTube for a discussion on “Emissions Neutrality and Deforestation – Results and Challenges of States and Companies in the Brazilian Amazon.” Click here for the English broadcast, and here for the Portuguese broadcast. […]
September 20, 2021
Climate Change Seminar Series In Yucatán
The Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SDS) of Yucatán, México recently held a webinar, “Mitigation in Yucatán: Incidences and Contributions in the Climate Change Law,” in collaboration with the UK PACT México program and Environmental Policy and Legislation. The webinar highlighted climate mitigation actions being carried out in Yucatán, focusing on the transition to decarbonization and […]
September 13, 2021
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