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Our condolences

We are very sorry to announce that on May 21st, Mr. Klemen Tinal, Vice Governor of Papua, Indonesia, passed away due to heart illness. He became a leader in Papua together with Governor Lukas Enembe and had been governing the state since 2013. He worked tirelessly to protect the Indigenous People’s rights in Papua and […]

GCF Task Force and TFA signed an agreement for coordinated actions to protect tropical forest landscapes

The agreement will guide collective efforts and support the development of a common work plan that aims to increase the visibility and effectiveness of jurisdictional approaches to reduce commodity-driven deforestation; improve collaboration between members of the two networks; support efforts to increase investments and foster jurisdictional supply agreements on a global and regional scale. The partnership establishes the immediate start of […]

GCF Task Force, NICFI and UNDP announce first round of the Innovation Funding proposals

Photo by Pedro Guerreiro (Agência Pará)   The Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force, along with partners the Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are excited to announce the first round of successful proposals to receive a total $5.5M in finance through the Innovation Funding Window under the […]

Marca de Certificación Agave Responsable Ambiental: un compromiso subnacional con los bosques y selvas de Jalisco, México

En la COP26 en 2019, el Gobierno del estado de Jalisco y la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Territorial (SEMADET) en conjunto con El Consejo Regulador del Tequila (CRT) y la Cámara Nacional de la Industria del Tequila (CNIT), por primera vez presentaron la iniciativa de diseñar y certificar un protocolo de agave tequila […]

Updates from GCFTF Mexico

Study makes recommendations for consolidation of Pará State’s low emission development plan

Launched on Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, the study, “Recommendations for the Consolidation of the Amazônia Agora State Plan for the 2030 Horizon (PEAA)”, aims to foster the intersectoral debate on the strategy of low emission socioeconomic development through six general, and 50 specific recommendations directed towards the consolidation and strengthening of the Amazônia Agora State […]

Presentación de Resultados Finales del Proyecto Trayectorias de Descarbonización en Madre de Dios, Perú

El miércoles 21 de abril del 2021 se realizó el último taller para la presentación final de resultados del Proyecto Trayectorias de Descarbonización en la región Madre de Dios. Este espacio fue convocado por la Oficina de Cooperación Técnica Internacional – OCTI del Gobierno Regional de Madre de Dios (GOREMad), con el apoyo técnico del […]

Guías para la Implementación y Monitoreo de los Principios Rectores

Guías para la Implementación y Monitoreo de los Principios Rectores para la Colaboración y Alianzas entre Gobiernos Subnacionales, Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales del GCF Task Force México. Con la aprobación de los Principios Rectores para la Colaboración y Alianzas entre Gobiernos Subnacionales, Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales (PR en adelante) en el 2018, los […]

Celebrating Earth Day

On this Earth Day, we celebrate the energy of our Mother Earth, la Pachamama, which sustains us individually and collectively, each and every day. We offer our gratitude to the brave guardians of the forests and the changemakers working to protect our planet for generations to come. Today, we are incredibly grateful to our delegates […]

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