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Found 327 Results

Roraima launches Low Carbon Agriculture Plan

Today, the Governor of Roraima, Antônio Denarium, signed a decree launching several new plans to bring the state’s Economic-Environmental Policy to implementation. The ambitious programs will promote the expansion of low-carbon agriculture and provide incentives to landowners who conserve forests.   Governor Denarium was joined for the signing ceremony by the president of the State […]

Socio-environmental Safeguards: Amapá committed to the rights of the population and the environment

Ensuring that all social spheres participate and are consulted on environmental decisions is now a reality in Amapá, Brazil, with the implementation of the Socio-Environmental Safeguards—a set of principles of rights and criteria that should guide public policies, programs and projects.   One of the highlights of the Safeguards implementation is the widely guaranteed social […]

Developing the indigenous economy in the Brazilian Amazon post-COVID-19

Participatory diagnosis started to identify problems, trends, and solutions for the development of the indigenous economy in the post-COVID-19 Amazon scenario.

Coalition for Sustainable Production in Peru appoints Fabiola Muñoz

El pasado 15 septiembre de 2020, mediante una sesión virtual, el Consejo Directivo de la Coalición por una Producción Sostenible designó a Fabiola Muñoz Dodero cómo Coordinadora de esta plataforma multi-actor. Muñoz ha sido Ministra de Agricultura y Ministra del Ambiente de Perú, además fue Directora Ejecutiva del Servicio Forestal y Fauna Silvestre.

Mexican States Make Progress on Rio Branco Declaration Goals

Recently released data shows progress in Mexico amidst global struggles New data from Mexico’s National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) shows that the majority of Governors’ Climate and Forests (GCF) Task Force states in Mexico have made steady progress in reducing deforestation in recent years. The news comes as states race towards the ambitious goals of the […]

New satellite images to allow anyone, anywhere, to monitor tropical deforestation

On Wednesday 23 September 2020, Norway’s Ministry of Climate and Environment entered into a contract worth up to NOK 400 million (approx. USD 43) with Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) and its partners Airbus and Planet, to provide universal access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics in order to support efforts to stop the destruction […]

New report on Environmental Licensing released by Brazilian Amazon States

A report released in June on Environmental Licensing in Brazil presents a diagnosis of environmental licensing in four strategic productive chains for the Legal Amazon region: livestock, large-scale agriculture, timber forest management and non-timber forest management.

Gobernador Carlos Joaquín habla del Generación de Capacidades Técnicas y Financieras en Quintana Roo

El pasado 14 de Septiembre, Quintana Roo y su socio implementador The Nature Conservancy México, llevaron a cabo un evento virtual para presentar los resultados del proyecto “Generación de Capacidades Técnicas y Financieras para la implementación de la estrategia jurisdiccional REDD+ en Quintana Roo.” El Gobernador del Estado Carlos Joaquín, confirmó que Quintana Roo impulsa el crecimiento económico […]

Amazonas launches “Amazonas Mais Verde” program to stimulate sustainable economic development

Today, Governor Wilson Lima of Amazonas, Brazil launched the “Amazonas Mais Verde” program to strengthen sustainable economic development, land and environmental regularization as a strategy to contain deforestation and forest fires—with particular attention to Southern municipalities and in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus. The Program, based on the Plan for the Prevention and Control of […]

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