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Found 327 Results

Government of Chiapas Presents State Investment Plan

On August 19, 2020, the Secretariat of Environment and Natural History of the State of Chiapas (SEMAHN), in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy Mexico as implementing partner for the State during the financing period of Window A of the GCF Task Force, carried out the closing event of the project “State Investment Plan Moving Towards […]

Dialogues for the Amazon: Brazilian Environmental Secretaries on the Fight Against Forest Fires

On Thursday, September 3rd, Brazilian GCF Task Force States will host Dialogues for the Amazon—a live conversation with Environmental State Secretaries on actions taken and lessons learned in the fight against forest fires. The online event will be conducted in Portuguese and will take place at 18:00 Brasilia Time (GMT+3) on the SEMA YouTube Chanel, […]

Ver el vídeo: Programa de Incentivos Regionales en Perú

En un contexto de crisis pos-pandemia, el PIR (Programa de Incentivos Regionales) nace como una propuesta de reactivación económica para las Regiones Amazónicas que, estratégicamente, repotencia herramientas regionales ya existentes: Marca Jurisdiccional, Instrumentos Financieros, Alianzas Público-Privada-Productivas y Asesoría Comercial de Exportación. Estos instrumentos conforman un sistema integrado que refuerza el trabajo de las regiones hacia […]

Strengthening indigenous womens’ entrepreneurial skills in Acre, Brazil

Initiatives are underway to empower and strengthen indigenous women in Acre, Brazil. On August 20th, the Government of Acre joined the Office of the First Lady and Secretariat for Social Assistance, Human Rights and Policies for Women (SEASDHM), together with the National Secretariat for Policies for Women (SNPM) and the Ministry of Women, Family and […]

Remembering the life of Robinson López

It is with heavy hearts that we lament the passing of Robinson López yesterday, 21 August 2020.   Robinson was a committed leader for the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon and beyond, through his work as the Coordinator of Climate Change of the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), former […]

Indonesian Provinces Craft NDC Roadmap to Reduce Emissions from the Forest and Land Use Sectors

In recent years, Indonesia has taken enormous strides towards reducing deforestation—the country was recently rewarded with a nearly USD 60 million payment from the Government of Norway for reducing deforestation in 2017, and the World Resources Institute highlighted Indonesia as one of the few countries in the world to reduce primary forest loss in 2019. […]

The first fire season in Mexico concludes with less impact than previous year

Forest fires are a problem that the environment faces year after year. The fight against forest fire requires collective efforts and commitments towards preventing fires in forests and jungles. Multiple factors derived from anthropogenic activities cause fires, and climate change continues to generate changing temperature patterns in the world, where Mexico is no exception, as […]

Piura represented before the High Level Commission on Climate Change

In 2020, the Piura Regional Government assumed the presidency of the National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR), elected by the Governors of the Peruvian jurisdictions. Under Supreme Decree No. 006-2020-MINAM on July 21, 2020, the High Level Commission on Climate Change was created as a permanent multisectoral commission. This Commission has in its composition the […]

Indonesian provinces to develop plans to distribute benefits from reducing deforestation

On July 10th, GCF Task Force delegates from Indonesia held a webinar to share information on the design of the Benefit Sharing Plans (BSP). BSP’s are mechanisms to distribute revenue that is generated from reducing deforestation, such as the NOK 530 Million (approximately USD 55 million) the Government of Norway has committed to Indonesia for […]

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