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Found 327 Results

Ucayali Advances Regional Plan for Addressing COVID-19 in Indigenous Populations

On May 30th, the Regional Government of Ucayali, in collaboration with the Regional Health Directorate of Ucayali and Indigenous Organizations, held a meeting with national agencies of health and culture to socialize the implementation of the Regional Plan for Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indigenous Populations.

Spotlight on World Environment Day: Mexican Events

The United Nations’ World Environment Day is coming up on June 5th. GCF Task Force member states are organizing various events to raise worldwide awareness and advance action to protect the environment.   Check out upcoming events organized by Mexican GCF Task Force members: Economy and environment: Challenges for the new normality (Jalisco) June 4th […]

Spotlight on World Environment Day: Brazilian Events

The United Nations’ World Environment Day is coming up on June 5th. GCF Task Force member states are organizing various events to raise worldwide awareness and advance action to protect the environment.   Check out upcoming events organized by Brazilian GCF Task Force members:   Green Week by the Secretariat of Environment (Amazonas, Brazil) June […]

Indonesia Releases REDD+ RBP Guide Following The Announcement of $56 Million from Norway

To assist provinces in developing a common understanding of opportunities and requirements for REDD+ Results-Based Payments in Indonesia, the GCF Task Force has developed an informative guide for provincial leaders and their partners. The document contains a short overview of progress in Indonesia and processes that have been established to date, and discusses key structures and mechanisms that provinces must establish to access results-based payments from the BPDLH.

Indonesian Provinces Advance Initiatives Through Virtual Collaboration

On May 14th, delegates from all seven GCF Task Force provinces in Indonesia gathered virtually to discuss their provincial responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and develop a plan for the provinces to continue to collaborate virtually in the coming months on issues related to deforestation, sustainable palm oil, and indigenous peoples and local communities.

Governor Barbalho Signs Law Establishing the State Policy on Climate Change in Pará

Policy objectives include support for research and promoting the use of technology to tackle climate change; making economic development compatible with policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gradually and rationally replacing fossil energy sources; and ethno-mapping and ethno-zoning of the lands of indigenous, quilombola, and traditional peoples.

Letter from Governor Lima to the UN Gains Support from Governors of Peruvian Amazon States

Earlier this month, Governor Wilson Lima, Governor of Amazonas, Brazil, and 2020 chair of the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force, sent a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations urging the international community to mobilize resources and support for urgent COVID-19 response measures in GCF Task Force states and provinces across the […]

GCF Task Force Pays Tribute To The Admirable Environmental Work of Dr. Alice Ekwu

Dr. Alice Ekwu, a GCF TF delegate from the Cross River State, Nigeria, received the “Everyday Hero Award” at the GCF Task Force’s Eleventh Annual Meeting in Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia.   Alice, who has a PhD in Hydrobiology and Environmental Toxicology, has been a Commissioner for Forests and Climate Change of Cross River State, Nigeria […]

Recordando la vida de Hernán Reategui Baldeon

It comes with much sorrow to announce the passing of Hernán Reategui Baldeon on May 1, 2020. Hernán will be remembered not only as an invaluable member of the GCF Task Force, but as a remarkably kind and caring person whose professional service inspired the climate and forests agenda in the Peruvian Amazon region and […]

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