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Found 327 Results

Governor Lima Calls for one Million COVID-19 Tests for the Amazon Region

In Amazonas, Brazil, Governor Wilson Lima is pleading for the international community to mobilize resources and support for COVID-19 response measures. Specifically, Governor Lima has requested support from the United Nations and related bodies to mobilize resources responding to the urgent needs of GCF Task Force states and provinces across the tropics.

Ucayali Releases Regional Plan for Addressing COVID-19 in Indigenous Populations

In Perú, the Regional Government of Ucayali is working quickly to mobilize a Regional Plan for Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indigenous Populations. The Plan, developed by the Regional Government of Ucayali and the Regional Management for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Ucayali, in conjunction with AIDESEP and CONAP (two of the tree national […]

Mexican State Governments Act on COVID-19 Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts

In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, GCF Task Face Governors are demonstrating bold leadership and affirming that moments of crisis bring out the best in government and humanity. From ensuring citizens’ basic needs are met while they shelter in place to developing economic support programs to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19, their leadership brings symbols of hope and inspiration in a time of uncertainty and fear.

Amazonas Launches COVID-19 Guide for Conservation Units

The new manual is part of the #FicaNaCumunidade (Stay in Your Community) campaign and is intended to disseminate official information about COVID-19 to people who live in Conservation Units in the Amazon. The campaign is part of a series of actions aimed at combating the pandemic in protected areas in the State. The material combines the main World Health Organization recommendations with other measures taken by the Government of Amazonas.

Resilient Amazon: From Emergency to Sustainable Development in the Wake of COVID-19

As COVID-19 has swept across the globe it is clear that we are confronting not just a worldwide health pandemic, but also a deepening economic crisis. While the financial impact of COVID-19 is in the early stages of taking root across the tropics, in Peru, GCF Task Force Governors are keenly aware that we must […]

Annual Meeting 2020 to be Rescheduled for September

Important notification to GCF Task Force members and partners regarding the dates of our Annual Meeting in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.   After careful consideration and monitoring of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force and the Government of Amazonas have decided to postpone our Annual Meeting in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. This […]

Plano para o Combate Estratégico da Desmatamento Ilegal Endossado em Belém

Belém, Pará, Brazil–Os membros da Força-Tarefa do GCF Brasil lançaram um plano de ação regional para o combate estratégico da exploração florestal ilegal, desmatamento ilegal, incêndios florestais e queimadas ilegais na Amazônia Legal ontem. Membros da Força-Tarefa GCF Brasil no Encontro Regional em Belém. Os estados também discutiram oportunidades para alavancar o padrão ART/TREES para […]

Strength in Unity: IP/LC Global Committee Convenes in Oaxaca

Members of the GCF Task Force Global Committee for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities from Brazil, Mexico, and Peru gathered in Oaxaca on March 3, 2020.

Enfoques Jurisdiccionales: Quintana Roo

Quintana Roo, México. Foto por el Gobierno de Quintana Roo. EDITORIAL Al día de hoy, la producción de energías limpias y renovables es uno de los compromisos que los gobiernos de distintos países han asumido para cumplir con los acuerdos internacionales en torno al cambio climático, como el Acuerdo de París. Con el objetivo de […]

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