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Found 327 Results

Gobernador del Estado de Jalisco Presenta La Alianza de Gobernadores Mexicanos por el clima

La sesión de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos y Cambio Climático de la CONAGO, se reunió en la Ciudad de México el 27 de noviembre. En la sesión de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos y Cambio Climático de la CONAGO, celebrada el pasado 27 de noviembre en la Ciudad de México, […]

Unity at COP25: Working Together to Advance Subnational Climate Action

(MADRID, SPAIN) Last week, subnational leaders from around the world convened at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid, Spain. Governors, secretaries of the environment, civil servants, indigenous leaders, and more from GCF Task Force member states and provinces in Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria gathered in Madrid […]

Governors from Brazil, Peru, Indonesia, and Mexico Tackle Climate Change At COP25

(MADRID, SPAIN) The Governors’ Climate & Forests (GCF) Task Force—the world’s largest subnational collaboration of states and provinces working to protect tropical forests, reduce deforestation and forest degradation, and promote realistic pathways to forest-maintaining development through direct partnerships with subnational governments, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities—held an Official Side Event […]

Join Us @ COP25 in Madrid

Madrid, Spain—COP25 is underway here in Madrid, and the GCF Task Force is gearing up for our Official Side Event on Monday, December 9th, from 15:00 – 16:30, co-hosted with Pronatura Sur.   This is What Implementation Looks Like: Implementing Subnational Forest & Climate Strategies will include a high-level panel featuring governors from across the […]

Inaugural Amazon Governors Summit Convenes at the Vatican, Rome

Rome, Italy– On October 28, 2019, GCF Task Force Governors from the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon convened at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican for the Amazon Governors Summit: Paths and Commitments for Sustainable Development of the Amazon.   GCF Task Force Governors at the Amazon Governors Summit The Summit was an initiative […]

Indonesia Regional Meeting Recap—Jakarta, October 2019

Jakarta, Indonesia—from 22 to 24 October, GCF Task Force members, delegates, and partners from Indonesia convened for their final regional meeting of the year.     The 3-day meeting included presentations on Window A implementation progress by each province, the second meeting of the Steering Committee on Sustainable Agriculture Indonesia (SCAI), development of Indonesia’s 2020 […]

Unidos y Comprometidos por un Modelo de Desarrollo Amazónico Sostenible – Nota de Prensa

  Con la finalidad de unificar criterios en pro del desarrollo sostenible, inclusivo y competitivo de la Amazonia, las Cámaras de Comercio, Industria y Turismo de las diferentes regiones amazónicas conformadas por: Amazonas, Huánuco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, San Martin, Pasco y Ucayali, llevaron a cabo el Primer Congreso Empresarial Amazónico – CEA 2019, logrando […]

Governors of the Brazilian Amazon Deliver Statement at the NYDF Event During New York Climate Week

On September 22, 2019, high-level political leaders joined private sector actors, civil society, and indigenous peoples to answer the call to action raised by the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF). As part of New York Climate Week, the Global Platform for the NYDF celebrated its 5-year anniversary with a high-level leadership event focused on […]

California Advances Climate Action by Endorsing the Tropical Forest Standard

September 19, 2019 marks a historic day in the direction of climate policy and forest governance—the California Air Resources board voted to endorse the California Tropical Forest Standard, demonstrating their global leadership on climate action.   By creating the economic incentives rendering forests more valuable alive than dead, the Tropical Forest Standard (TFS) sends a […]

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